Ollie Dee and Stannie Dum try to borrow money from their employer, the toymaker, to pay off the mortgage on Mother Peep’s shoe and keep it and Little Bo Peep from the clutches of the evil Barnaby. When that fails, they trick Barnaby, enraging him.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy Actors: Alice Lake, Angelo Rossitto, Billy Bletcher, Bobby Burns, Bobby Hale, Charles Dorety, Charlie Hall, Charlotte Henry, Dickie Jones, Eddie Borden, Edward Earle, Ellen Corby, Felix Knight, Ferdinand Munier, Florence Roberts, Gene Reynolds, Ham Kinsey, Henry Brandon, Jack 'Tiny' Lipson, Jack Raymond, Jean Darling, John George, Johnny Downs, Joy Lane, Kewpie Morgan, Marie Wilson, Oliver Hardy, Richard Alexander, Sam Lufkin, Scotty Beckett, Stan Laurel, Tiny Sandford, Virginia Karns, William Burgess Directors: Charley Rogers, Gus Meins Production: Hal Roach Studios